Clinical Trial Pre-Screening
- Our intelligent clinical trial pre-screening technology includes disease scoring system outcomes and results in a highly enriched candidate pool for real-time recruitment management.
- Bingli can process scoring systems aided by examples and images, resulting in real-time deep understanding of recruitment.
Smart, fast pre-screening
- Bingli works with candidates to complete a short and smart pre-screening process
- At their own time and in their own language, including disease scores, as needed.
Sponsor / CRO benefits
- Receive (de-identified) updates at requested frequency.
- Real time dashboard for quick oversight, recruitment management.
- Combine patient centricity with smart technology.
Site benefits
- Successful candidates are routed to their clinical trial site of choice.
- The site receives an email and has access to the real time identifiable data for follow-up and non-identifiable data for screen failures.
- Efficient workflow management.
Precise data and real-time management
- Design support
- Short timelines and fast implementation.
- Lower workload for your clinical sites, improve quality, reduce timelines, and save costs.
- Increased overall success potential for the candidate’s trial participation.
Our smart clinical trial pre-screening technology results in a highly enriched candidate pool for real-time recruitment management.
Our differentiators
18 supported languages
Next Generation
clinical trial pre-screening
Quickly configurable
to support unlimited combinations of in/exclusion criteria, fixed questionnaires, smart proprietary pre-screening process, etc.
Initiated and directed
by organizations involved in clinical trials and their investigators
include any (disease) scoring systems